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Squash Rocks


SquashRocks!  Our unique way to support inner-city youths here in Richmond.  We partner with the YMCA, AJCES and other organizations to deliver our activities programs to aspiring inner-city youths in middle-school and high-school.  Our programs revolve around teaching the sport of squash to these children hand-in-glove with their academic and social skills tutoring.  We provide on-court training and competition, meals, transportation, and educational and cultural activities.  We are thoughtful about sharing life success skill activities so that the children are highly motivated, broadly experienced, and have an increased chance to succeed in life’s challenges.

Supporting Richmond area youth

Make a Difference

Last season was a huge hit.  Several players made it a competitive event held here in Richmond.  Additionally, we were able to sponsor three children to attend a world-class summer camp at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia.  As we enter the 2017/2018 school year and playing season, most of our prior year children are returning for another season of teaching, coaching and activity.  We have big plans and high hopes for the children this year.

Of course, the only way we can pull off a phenomenal program like SquashRocks, is through community support and financial assistance. We use Virginia Squash Racquets Association tournaments and leagues to help fund the SquashRocks experience.

If you would like to get involved as a partner or volunteer, or help support the urban squash movement in Richmond with a donation of time, expertise or resources, please contact for more information.

We Need Your Support Today!

VA Squash

Virginia Squash Racquets Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 4861
Richmond, VA 23220


Tax ID: 54-1510489

Our Board

Executive Board

  • President:  Eddie O'Leary

  • Vice President: John Patton III

  • Secretary: Bob Dewar

  • Treasurer: Tom Hillgrove

  • President Ex Officio:  John Patton II


Members at Large


  • Will Allen

  • Jose Calderon

  • Eddie O'Leary

  • Julie Padgett

  • Justin Shields

  • Matt Rho

  • Jim Bonbright

  • Anne Garland

  • Michael Jarvis

  • Mark Davis

  • Ami Sethi

  • Sanjay Hinduja


© 2019-2020 Virginia Squash Racquets Association, Inc. & Rink Management Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved 

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