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Price-Bullington Invitational Turns Fifty

One of the great collegiate tournaments on the national squash scene turns fifty next week. The Price-Bullington Invitational will be held on 29-31 October 2021 at the Country Club of Virginia in Richmond.

In 1970 Ted Price, Salty Hawkins and other Virginian squash players founded the A. Holt Bullington Invitational. They named it after a beloved junior squash player who had died in 1969. Held originally at the Westwood Racquet Club, the event always had a draw of sixteen: in the first years it was men-only, mostly adult amateurs. “It really depended,” Price said, “upon who could be persuaded to come to a small city in a state just below the Mason Dixon Line that had only two but two very fine hard maple squash courts.”

VA Squash

Virginia Squash Racquets Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 4861
Richmond, VA 23220


Tax ID: 54-1510489

Our Board

Executive Board

  • President:  Eddie O'Leary

  • Vice President: John Patton III

  • Secretary: Bob Dewar

  • Treasurer: Tom Hillgrove

  • President Ex Officio:  John Patton II


Members at Large


  • Will Allen

  • Jose Calderon

  • Eddie O'Leary

  • Julie Padgett

  • Justin Shields

  • Matt Rho

  • Jim Bonbright

  • Anne Garland

  • Michael Jarvis

  • Mark Davis

  • Ami Sethi

  • Sanjay Hinduja


© 2019-2020 Virginia Squash Racquets Association, Inc. & Rink Management Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved 

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